
東芝 AT200 タブレット発表、10.1型で7.7mm厚・558グラム

東芝 AT200 タブレット発表、10.1型で7.7mm厚・558グラム


東芝がAndroidタブレットの新製品 Toshiba AT200 を発表しました。特徴は基本性能を向上させつつ、軽量化と大幅な薄型化を果たしたこと。ディスプレイはAndroidタブレットで主流の10.1インチ1280 x 800 を前モデル AT300 (レグザタブレット) から引き継ぎつつ、厚さは実に半分以下の 7.7mmになりました。といっても前モデルは最初からラバー仕上げのカバーを着たような15.8mmの厚さでしたが、0.1mm台で部品を削る現在王者 iPad 2 (8.8mm)・Galaxy Tab 10.1 (8.6mm) に約1mmの大差(?) をつけています。重さも558gと前モデルより200g以上軽くなり、こちらも iPad 2 より約50g・Galaxy Tab 10.1より7gほど下回っています。

中身は第一世代 Honeycombタブレットで横並びに採用されていた NVIDIA Tegra 2から、TI OMAP 4430 (1.2GHz デュアルコア、POWERVR SGX540グラフィック)へ。OSはAndroid 3.2。内蔵ストレージは最大64GB。厚い前モデルがフルサイズのUSB端子 (とmini-B端子)、SDHCスロット、HDMIポートの搭載を特徴としていたのに対して、AT300は microUSB、microSD、microHDMIと片っ端からマイクロ化されています。ただし、厚さ半分でもバッテリーは動画再生最大8時間で前モデルより+1時間延長。カメラは背面に5MP、前面に2MP。無線はWiFi とBluetooth。Toshiba AT200 は欧州では今年第4四半期に発売予定。国内でも遠からずREGZAブランドで発表されそうです。

Toshiba unveils its world-class, ultra-thin, ultra-light tablet

Toshiba AT200 tablet built to exceed expectations at only 7.7mm thin and 558g with full 10.1" screen

Neuss, Germany, 1st

September 2011 – Toshiba Europe GmbH unveiled an exciting new product today – the ultra-thin 25.7cm (10.1'') AT200 tablet. Despite measuring only 7.7mm from front to back, the Toshiba AT200 delivers a broad range of essential ports and interfaces. It offers an amazing wide-view display for comfortable content consumption plus full web browsing capabilities to meet the preferred usage for tablets. Every bit as powerful as it is stylish and robust, this tablet is built to exceed expectations. The Toshiba AT200 will be available in the fourth quarter of 2011 in Europe.

Ultra-thin, ultra-powerful

"The new ultra-thin 25.7cm (10.1") tablet Toshiba AT200, featuring Android™ 3.2, Honeycomb, is the latest in a long line of Toshiba products that are masterfully engineered", said Marco Perino, General Manager DS Digital Products Division. "With a thickness of only 7.7mm and a weight of just 558g, the elegant Toshiba AT200 is highly mobile yet extremely smart and powerful."

All essentials on-board

To connect with other devices the ultra-slim tablet comes with all essential interfaces and ports onboard: amongst them micro-USB, micro-SD, Wi-Fi™ and Bluetooth®. The micro-HDMI ®-port allows streaming HD content to the large screen of a TV. Front and back HD cameras are ideal for video conferencing and augmented reality applications.

High-quality media consumption - no matter where you are

The Toshiba AT200 allows users to enjoy videos at home and while out and about. It features a brilliant 25.7cm (10.1") high-definition screen that displays pictures with crisp colours and in full detail.

Despite being ultra-thin, it allows up to eight hours of video consumption.

Sound quality at its best

To complement the first-class video capabilities the new Toshiba tablet with stereo speakers allows for a high quality sound playback. The Adaptive Sound Device Enhancer's sophisticated algorithm maximises sound quality to achieve a quality that normally only can be found with large speakers. Plus, a technology called Sound Masking Equalizer identifies and enhances sound that is being masked or distorted by surrounding noise. The result is a well- balanced, powerful playback of music and video sounds even under high ambient noise levels.

Endless usage possibilities

Toshiba's new tablet also offers a rich web browsing experience including support of Adobe® Flash® Player, access to more than 250,000 apps on Android Market™ and Toshiba Places for endless possibilities.

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