
Pogoplug Mobile 発表、iOS & Android でオートバックアップ実現

Pogoplug Mobile 発表、iOS & Android でオートバックアップ実現


ふつうのUSBハードディスクをクラウドストレージ化するデバイス Pogoplug に、iOS / Android 端末との親和性を高めた新モデル Pogoplug Mobile が加わります。Pogoplug は筐体に Ethernet とストレージを繋げることで、ストレージ内のデータをあたかもクラウド上に置いているかのように、PCやモバイル機器で利用できるという製品。従来の Pogoplug でもスマートフォン用アプリが提供されていましたが、Pogoplug Mobile では iPhone / iPad / Android 向けの新アプリを利用することにより、端末内データのオートバックアップ機能を実現しています。そのほか想定される利用用途は、ストレージ内の画像ファイル閲覧、動画・ファイルのストリーミング、オフィスファイルの確認、あるいはあらゆるファイルのアドレスをメールに添付して他の人と共有することもできます。「クラウド」上のファイルは直接編集できませんが、ファイルのダウンロード後、しかるべきアプリを利用すれば、編集することも可能です。また別途 Windows / Mac 用ソフトも提供され、こちらは編集に対応しています。


Pogoplug Introduces New Hardware - Pogoplug Mobile

Enables streaming of photos, music and video libraries from home to mobile phones and tablets, and offers automatic, secure backup of mobile content

San Francisco, California – September 1, 2011 – Cloud Engines, Inc., creators of the Pogoplug multi-media streaming service, today unveiled their first mobile-focused hardware product with a sleek new design. Pogoplug Mobile serves as a mobile cloud companion, freeing devices from storage limits by allowing users to stream entire libraries of photos, music and movies from their homes to their mobile phones or tablets. The device also enables users to share unlimited amounts of photos, videos and other content from mobile devices with friends and family-instantly and privately.

Pogoplug Mobile's extreme multi-media capabilities are optimized for iOS and Android devices. Pogoplug Mobile offers Android users a unified streaming and sharing service and enables automatic home backup of all photos, movies, music and other documents. Pogoplug provides iOS users with unlimited, instant streaming of entire media libraries.

"People today have an almost unlimited need to create and consume multimedia content on their mobile devices," said Daniel Putterman, CEO and Founder of Cloud Engines. "Unfortunately, their devices just can't keep up; mobile storage remains too expensive. Pogoplug Mobile solves this problem by providing an incredible streaming and at-home backup solution that turns any mobile device into an limitless media library."

Pogoplug Mobile includes a number of key features:

Stream entire libraries of music, movies and photos to an iPhone, iPad, or Android device
No storage limits

No need to re-download the same content to multiple devices

Permanent storage and backup of all photos and videos taken using the mobile device

On Android, automatically back up photos and movies from your hand-held device to your Pogoplug Mobile wirelessly. Content trickles back to Pogoplug Mobile in the background with no action required by the user

Pogoplug Mobile device works seamlessly with the Pogoplug desktop software and Pogoplug mobile apps (iPhone, iPad and Android 2.2 and later)

Pogoplug Mobile provides users with a streamlined interface for viewing and managing content on their device, while maintaining all of the great sharing and data access solutions provided by the original Pogoplug hardware and software solutions.

Using Pogoplug desktop software, Pogoplug mobile apps, or the browser-based my.pogoplug.com account, users can access and stream files from anywhere in the world, to anyone in the world. All of these features come packaged with Pogoplug Mobile.

"With iCloud on the horizon, the timing for Pogoplug Mobile couldn't be better," continued Putterman. "If you're an iOS user, Pogoplug Mobile will be a perfect at-home iCloud companion. For Android users, it's at-home iCloud for Android."

Pricing and Availability

Pogoplug Mobile will be available in October 2011 for a suggested retail price of $79.99 USD. Pre-orders are currently being accepted at HYPERLINK "http://www.pogoplug.com/mobile" www.pogoplug.com/mobile. Pogoplug's iOS and Android apps are FREE and available for download in the iTunes and Android app stores, respectively.

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