
クアッドコプター AR.Drone の公式 Android アプリ公開

クアッドコプター AR.Drone の公式 Android アプリ公開

クアッドコプターの代名詞的存在となった Parrot の AR.Drone にようやく公式 Android アプリが登場しました。名前は iOS 版アプリと同じ AR.FreeFlight。クアッドコプターを操縦する WiFi リモコンとして機能します。もともと SDK 公開に積極的な製品だけあって、これまでも有志による Android 操縦アプリはいくつかありましたが、公式アプリの登場で背中を押されてしまう方も多いかもしれません。アプリは Android マーケットにて無料配布中。腕に自信がある方向けには SDK もフリーで配布中です。ちなみに AR.Drone 本体の価格は3万円弱。続きには広報動画とプレスリリースを掲載しています。

Parrot AR.Drone: Piloting now possible on Android™
Paris, September 2nd, 2011 - Parrot, leader in wireless peripherals for mobile phones, brings the experience of piloting the AR.Drone to users of Smartphones running Android™.

'AR.FreeFlight' and SDK for Android™

The users of Android–powered smartphones and fans of the Parrot AR.Drone can now find a free version of AR.FreeFlight's piloting application developed by Parrot on Android Market™.

Once the application has been downloaded and connected via Wi-Fi with the quadricopter, the device's screen turns into a true piloting station.

Besides, the Software Development Kit of the Parrot AR.Drone, available free of charge on https://projects.ardrone.org, allows the developers to leave free court with their imagination and create new applications dedicated to the AR.Drone on the Android platform.

YouTube.com/Ardrone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8YeE9fUT7w

For more information, visit www.parrot.com or contact:


Parrot, a global leader in wireless devices for mobile phones, stands on the cutting edge of innovation. The company was founded in 1994 by Henri Seydoux as part of his determination to drive the inevitable breakthrough of mobile phones into everyday life by creating high-quality, user-friendly wireless devices for easy living. Parrot has developed the most extensive range of hands-free systems on the market for cars, motorbikes and scooters, including wireless multimedia products geared towards audiovisual applications. In 2008, Parrot launched a new prestigious line of high-end products bearing the hallmark of renowned artists and in 2010, the AR.Drone, the first quadricopter piloted via wi-fi and using augmented reality.

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